Eavesdrop on Renie Rivas calling Misha to talk about how pet adoption is like dating apps in all the worst ways.

Ring Ring! with Renie Rivas on Spotify and Stitcher

Hear Misha talk to Dennis Hensley about how social media is like playing a game of emotional roulette that you--GASP!--don't HAVE to play??

Dennis Anyone? with Dennis Hensley on Spotify and Stitcher


Dolphin of the Land has answers to several of your questions, including:

  • How gay are dolphins?

  • What exactly happened to Mike Pence?

  • Who’s allowed to say what F-word where?

  • How does sex work, and how does sex not work?

  • DO queer men find straight men attractive? If so, why even??

  • Is there ever a legitimate excuse to wear fingerless gloves?

  • Why does most Christian Music sound like mid-2000’s Coldplay all of the sudden?

    …and so much more!!!

A self-described “SJW” comedian, Misha jumps from devastating political realities to goofy word-play with a swiftness that turns uncomfortable subjects into…well, equally uncomfortable jokes - but funny in that way that makes you think while making you laugh...  

… Especially if you’re a straight cis person—whoo-boy, does Dolphin of the Land have a lot to teach you through laughter-osmosis. Gay Camps in Chechnya, the Sex Lives of Sea Creatures, Canceled Uncle Jokes…  

It’s all a little extra—He's all a little extra.

Misha D. unleashes rainbow energy as text reads Misha D: Pride Form Unleashed over a vintage comics backdrop


Misha D.

Unabashedly queer and vaguely ethnic, Misha’s goal is not to prove himself as a “big time” comedian in a system dictated by straight white men, but rather has already proven himself as a “good time” comedian in a pocket universe free of capitalism we can all access if we believe real-hard. 

An Instagram non-fluencer, an escapee of Twitter, Facebook, and all the thinly-veiled facial recognition databanks; Misha’s a rare Pokemon you only find when you think to look somewhere you don’t normally go. Unless you normally go out to watch stand-up in Los Angeles, in which case you’ve spotted Misha at The Hollywood Improv, The Comedy Store, The Laugh Factory, Flappers, or running Wokelahoma—THE most diverse mic you ever saw—with his boyfriend in Culver City. 

His only real interaction with the mainstream has been ironically, as a commentator for several seasons of The International Sony Network’s "Ultimate Countdown” series. And this one time he was in a commercial with Ice-T and Kevin Hart. He even had a line.

Misha D. on
Dennis Anyone? with Dennis Hensley
"I Am A Little Extra"

(from the episode description):

Dennis welcomes to the Zoom room comedian Misha D to talk about his debut comedy album Dolphin of the Land, which has just dropped on streaming services like Spotify and iTunes. Dennis and Misha recall the talking-head pop culture TV show they met on Ultimate Countdown that never aired in the states. Misha talks about being drawn to standup after the 2016 election, finding humor in dark subjects, how he deals with homophobic material from other comics and that time he bailed on show and wished he hadn't. He talks about his decision to donate all proceeds from the album to charity, his unique day job in the field of mental health and his plan to move to The Netherlands with his fiance to start a new life...and being thwarted by the pandemic. Other topics include: the show he started with his fiance, Wokelahoma, how anal retentive he is when it comes to crafting his comedy, his first job in LA at Knott's Scary Farm, the mystery of Mike Pence, being told by a frenemy that he's "a little extra" and taking it as a compliment, social media shame, Misha's decision to ditch Facebook and Twitter altogether and the Pinocchio costume that made filled him with jealousy.

Misha D. holds his fingers to his lips, holding his head close to a Victrola record player atop a red chenille background

Track 03 from Dolphin of the Land, "I Am the Lizard Queen; No but Really, What Happened to Mike Pence?" as visualized by Misha D. in collaboration with editor Ben Chinapen.

Misha D. on Ultimate Countdown on International Sony Network, talkin' smack.

Screenshot of Ring Ring! with Renie Rivas podcast Episode 03 Sweet, Sexy White Jesus Heaven featuring Misha D.

Misha D. on Ring Ring! with Renie Rivas
Ep. 03 Sweet, Sexy White Jesus Heaven

(from the episode description):

Comedian Misha D. illustrates how pet adoption apps are like dating apps in the worst ways. Segues include the perks of passing for eight, why CERTAIN plagues HATE this, and founding a Queer secular church with his fiancé.

Actress/comedian Renie Rivas (The Loud House, Fresh Off The Boat, Mighty Magiswords) presents recordings of private phone calls with friends in entertainment, comedy, the death care industry, and gay adult films in Season One of this eavesdropping-based podcast.

Got Mish?

Album art by Timo Reese.

Misha D. and John Taylor, pre-show at Dolphin of the Land live show recording

John Taylor (@johntaylorshow) ever so graciously provided the pre-show opening set, pictured here with Misha D. (in his finest Dragonball Z attire.)

Misha D. in booty shorts brandishing scripts as banners streaming behind him against a pink wall, promo for Raices Texas fundraiser

Promos for the live album recording to benefit RAICES Texas to provide legal help to kids and families separated at the U.S. Border.

Misha D. holding protest signs against a mural backdrop in Downtown Los Angeles, promo for Charity Album Recording of Dolphin of the Land


All Content and Dolphin of the Land Copyright © 2019-2023 Misha D. All Rights Reserved.